Monday, December 17, 2007

End of the Year Slobberfests

I've been reading a lot of year end lists for movies promoting No Country For Old Men as the best movie of the year. And I must admit I was looking forward to seeing it. But then I actually saw it, and it made my list for the worst movie of the past 10 years. I'd rather endure Mr. Holland's Opus again before subjecting myself to this craptacular bit of film making from the Coen Brothers. Hey, if you enjoy a bleak, post modern, nihilistic view of life then this film is right up your alley. There is no good, no bad, things just are. Film students are probably writing papers on this movie now in hopes of impressing their instructors about what a statement this film makes. If the goal of films is to elicit reactions from the audience, then mission accomplished. The Coen Bros did a masterful job in making me feel angry for wasting 2 hours on their pointless movie. So that should guarantee it an Oscar nomination, no doubt.

1 comment:

witw said...

letter-writing opportunity?