Friday, December 15, 2006

Movie of the Year

It was a pretty slow year for movies, and not a lot jumped out as great. There is however, one movie I enjoyed more than any other: Little Miss Sunshine. This movie had a great cast that featured Greg Kinnear, Toni Collette, Alan Arkin, Steve Carell and Abigail Breslin, who was around 9 when this movie was filmed. She is fantastic in this, as is the rest of the cast, and she really deserves accolades from the numerous award shows Hollywood uses to pat itself on the back at the end of the year. That said, it should be noted that by no means is this family friendly fare, given the standout performance comes from a 9 year old. The film deals with things like depression and death, albeit in the most humor-filled ways possible. This movie had such a hold on the audience at the screening I attended, that when one of the characters in the film was confronted with a particularly awkward situation, the entire audience began to cheer hoping to encourage this person who was on film. A strangely captivating movie.


Anonymous said...

so would you say Little Miss Sunshine "for your consideration"?

Nadaholot said...

Yes, they have hired me to do PR

witw said...

I thought the movie was a little slow for my taste. Also had some crude remarks. Melinda